Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Among all the categories of people one comes across in the walk of life there is one type whom i call the whiners. They have everything they need yet they want more but are not ready to work to get it, to take risks, to get off their a** and work towards getting what they desire. All they would do is sit and complain to anyone who is listening about how they wish they had blah blah. Now i know there are somethings which night always remain a wish as it is not practically possible to achieve it but there are some dreams that you can make come true right? There are times when i absolutly hate such people but there are times when i feel sorry for them too. I wonder if all they need is some push, some support from someone. But then just how much? I dont mine being there for someone who needs it, but for how long? It gets frustrating after some time if you are doing all you can to be there but the other person just uses your words your actions to feel comforted and get back to complaining. Times like these i think maybe i should stop but would it then mean that i am giving up on the person who needs me? Would it mean i am just abandoning him/her in the middle of no-where? How do you know when it is enough?


Adisha said...

Gurlie, whiners will keep on whining even if every last wish of their's comes true. As to when enough is enough, it's when you feel yourself being pulled into their negativity as well or when you realize that no amount of words will get through whichever comes first. The most important thing in life is to remain positive and work towards your goals. If you find someone bickering and not willing to put in the required effort, then I say, cut your losses and subtley start moving on. Trust me, no one will blame you. I empathise with your feelings for those you care about but then just like money pulls money, so does negativity.

Take care, take control !

dreamy said...

hmm u got a point there..there are so many times i have thought about pulling out but then i think..."could it be that maybe i could just push a little bit more and things will work out? am i really being there for this person?" but then u r right too...i do at times feel like being pulled into the negativity...which ends up depressing me...

Adisha said...

Thats the whole point ! In the end, you feel so drained after giving up so much of yourself that all the time n energy lost, leaves u with nothing but regret.

And trust me, people who Actually listen, will understand things as soon as things are put into perspective for them. The rest just need a source to whom they can vent. So at the best, if you wanna be there for someone, keep in mind that all they need from u, are your qualities as an understanding Listener :)

The only person who you can take control of is urself ! Others will change Only when they Can, and not a moment before . So, when things start getting overwhelming and take sstock from a new perspective :)

Cheers ...

dreamy said...

you know what..that makes a lot of sense... :) from now on i will just be a good listener to those who need me to be...i never thought of it that way....thanks a lot for that :)

Adisha said...

No problemo !!! :D Glad to be of help.

Keep writing ...

Take care,